After attaining an Ontario college certificate in Art Fundamentals at the Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning in 2018, Marlee went on to complete a Bachelor of Interaction Design (Hons.), and obtained an Undergraduate Certificate in Creativity and Creative Problem Solving, graduating in spring 2022.

Her passion for design began at an early age. She completed Comm. Tech courses from grades 10 to 12, a form of design studies that was new at the time. This course allowed her to gain practical work experience working at a local design studio. She learned to use Adobe software and experienced numerous client interactions.

She completed two dual credit programs with St. Clair Windsor, one in the field of animation and the other in the field of customer service and communications. A dual credit program spans over one semester and allows high school students to gain both high school and college credit. She obtained this during a SHSM program (Specialist High Skills Major). Animation sparked her interest in creating small advertisements for businesses, and the customer service and communications course taught her how to improve her customer service skills.

Marlee excelled so well in her co-op placement, that she was hired as an employee after graduation, where she now works in addition to her design business.