Swift Serve


Explore and research topics through established design processes with the goal of selecting a focus. Develop an understanding of an area of interest by formulating a proposal, research and prototype.

  • Marlee Finch (Independent Project)

    • UX (User Experience)

    • UI (User Interface)

    • User Research

Problem Definition

Why do people go out to restaurants? While most people enjoy dinners at home, the real reason for leaving the house is to experience something new. This product would create a better bridge between server and user and decrease the stress for both parties. There have always been countless awkward or unpleasant service encounters for customers, we want to better help the customer receive better service, but also help the server provide that service.



The industry is due for a change. This proposed solution will improve the wellness of service industry workers and create a more positive work environment. For customers, it’ll also create a better experience and simplify the parts that are unnecessarily frustrating.


Swift Serve is an application that is similar to existing POS software. It pairs with a physical light that would be attached to a table and gives users an interactive experience.

The application controls the light as well as other features for users.

User Needs

Servers need a way to keep track of multiple tables so that they can focus on enhancing the service they provide.

Customers need a way to signal their server so that they get the item /service they need.

Stage 1

Primary Research

User Consultation - A key factor in my research was asking questions to assess previous user experiences. I used a card sort to detect possible problem spaces at the beginning for me to work within. Then I needed to get feedback on the ideation stage The important part to think about when designing for this problem space, was there were a lot of different angles and perspectives. You had to think of both the customer, server and owner. All who would be considered users of the product.

Prototyping - Simulating an environment and product that is yet to exist is challenging. I think in future I will potentially build a model through Unity so that users could demo walking through the space. A smaller step is creating a virtual demo for users to try my product idea.

Secondary Research

Business Case - Evaluate competitors and existing technology that exists within the problem space.

  • Stakeholder Map

Existing Data - Gather existing resources, and information for the project.

Target Users

  • Customers

  • Employees

  • Business Owners

Stage 2


User Test #1 - A key factor in my research was asking questions to assess previous user experiences. I used a card sort to detect possible problem spaces at the beginning for me to work within. Then I needed to get feedback on the ideation stage The important part to think about when designing for this problem space, was there were a lot of different angles and perspectives. You had to think of both the customer, server and owner. All who would be considered users of the product.

Prototyping - Simulating an environment and product that is yet to exist is challenging. I think in future I will potentially build a model through Unity so that users could demo walking through the space. A smaller step is creating a virtual demo for users to try my product idea.


User Test #1 Findings: Cardboard Prototype tested

  • customer service jobs aren't considered "real jobs"

  • stressful environment

  • customers cause stress points for servers

User Test #2 Findings: Birthday cake v1 - Figma

  • Too many button options at once

  • Unclear what some do

  • How do you differentiate between app and restaurant

Final Prototype


Transit App Re-Design


Project Sephani